04 January 2012

Iowa Caucus

Hmmmm. Interesting. It's 11:45pm on Jan 3, 2012 and Rick Santorum is ahead. But not by much. Romney is in a close second place. The most amazing thing to me is Jon Huntsman being in last place. Now, don't get me wrong. I completely support Obama. I think he is AWESOME and if we could get a few more Democrats in office Obama could get some real things going. However, Jon Huntsman getting LESS than 1000 votes. 1% of the vote. Really? This poor guy. He is the one candidate they have who is ACTUALLY qualified to be President.
The man has served under 4 Presidents (Reagan, Bush the 1st and 2nd, to name the Repubs) and was Ambassador to Singapore in 1992-1993.
He was Governor of Utah in 2004 and was re-elected in 2008 with 78% of the vote. He resigned as Governor in 2009 to accept Obama's offer that he be Ambassador to China. He only resigned from that to run for President himself.
He identifies himself as a center-right Republican.
He signed an inititive as Governor to lower Utah's Greenhouse gases. (That means he understands the science and doesn't throw stones at it like um, all the other candidates!)
His foreign policy makes more sense than the others, as he understands diplomacy and the need to use it in Asia and the Middle East.
He has seven kids, which you would think would make the GOP-ers happy.
But, oh yea, he is a Mormon... that pesky cult that doesn't sit well with the fringe fanatics on the far right.
Well then, forget all that other stuff, if the GOP are going to elect a Mormon just go with Romney then. He's a business man after all, and that is what this country needs, a real CEO that can straighten out Washington.... blah blah blah.

Poor Jon Huntsman. I can imagine how he feel this evening. Wondering where the America of Reagan went. Psst, Jon, it went down the toilet with the choice of Sarah "lipstick pig hockey mom" Palin.
That flushing sound is your hopes and dreams GOP!
Good Luck.

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