09 March 2012

Warm Weather

Yesterday was very nice. It was warm, in the high 50's or maybe even low 60's. Today the wind is blowing, I do not know the temperature right now, but Mrs. Doyle went out without having to be chased around the library and grabbed, meowing, and tossed out the door. So that means something! LOL. She loves it outside, she just likes it to be her idea. (Oh, Mrs. Doyle is a cat by the way, I am not chasing my mother-in-law or someone like that around my library!)
Ripley loves to go out. (other cat) She lives outside. She begs to go out late at night, even when it's FREEZING!
I want it to get warm now. I know I have the COUNTDOWN TO SPRING on this page, currently reading 10 days. But I want it NOW!!!!
I don't think this is an impatience thing, it's more of a NEED TO CYCLE thing.
I haven't been on my bike since the end of November (or maybe it was just the beginning of December.) I miss it! This winter has been really mild, I think I have only shoveled snow twice, or possibly thrice, since the cold hit.
I think that makes it harder to deal with the 30 degree days of March. When you have been able to wear a light jacket in February you want to get moving with SIGNS OF SPRING.
As my best friend, Linda, showed us on her Facebook page, Spring has Sprung in the Baltimore area. (She posted a pic of crocuses)
I saw my daffodils peeking through the grass yesterday. I see the buds but they aren't open yet. Steve keeps a sharp eye on his fruit trees as of late in case he needs to wrap the floating row cover around them.
I have a large job ahead of me in the garden, clearing out the overgrown side of the veg area.
I have a feeling I am going to look like one of those Amazonian explorers hacking my way through the hostile vegetation. Maybe I should get a Panama hat for it. LOL.
I am looking forward to it however, so I can plant LOADS more veggies this year. I want to plant my own lettuces as I LOVE salads but don't trust the store bought kind not to give me E-Coli. Ugh.
I will post pics of the work as it goes along. It should be amusing, at the least! hahah.
Well, here's to dreaming of warmer days, in the VERY near future!

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