For those of you who know, I am currently writing a book about the Great Allegheny Passage. This is the bike trail that is almost in my front yard. I have biked my way from Cumberland, MD to Myersdale, PA this past Autumn and have LOADS of pictures that I took along the way. The book will encompass all four seasons on the trail and hopefully help me achieve the subtitle to the book (Biking my way to Health, Happiness and Serenity.)
Today was quite a serene scene on the trail. The silence was so absolute that it pressed into my ears with unrelenting strength. It was really nice, until the texts started.
Oh yes, I take my phone, just in case, you know how it is, I may feel one with the universe but my feet sometimes have other ideas and I don't quite fancy lying in the snow with a twisted ankle and no phone to call for help. So, there I am having a zen experience with the woods and Steve starts texting me.
Is it busy?
Is there a lot of wildlife?
Are you having a nice time?
Is it serene?
OMG! No, no, yes and no! You are driving me insane! LOL.
Don't get me wrong... I don't mind texts from him usually. However, when the snow is on the ground and I am bundled up to my eye teeth, reading texts is a pain in the neck. I have to stop, remove my glove, get my phone out of my ski pants (I like to be warm) and read it. Answer it, if needed, put it back in my pocket, un-velcro my sleeve, put the glove back on, re-velcro the sleeve around the glove and start off again.
Other than that, it was quite lovely out on the trail today and I did get a lot of nice pics.
These are just a few of the pics. It really is lovely out there. ALSO I was able to ascertain that there was enough snow out there for me to use skis if I like. WOOOO! That is exciting. Now, let's hope we get more snow!
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