I went to see this little movie in the middle of a very busy week. I took Annie with me and we LOVED it!
Amanda Seyfried is lovely, beautiful and enchanting.
Vanessa Redgrave is lovely, beautiful and the kind of old person I want to be.
THe blonde English guy, who I don't know, was great.
Gael Garcia Bernal plays a douche, so he is great! LOL!
Italy looks JUST as beautiful as it did to me in Under The Tuscan Sun.
The one thing that stood out for me in this flick is that even tho Amanda's character works for the New Yorker, she isn't rich. It's Gael Garcia Bernal that takes her on the trip to Italy, he is getting ready to open a restaurant and needs to visit suppliers, etc. It's supposed to be a "pre-honeymoon" since his restaurant will be opening in 6 six weeks time (or something close to that) and they won't be able to go after they are married because of that.
First off, I like that, as it's realistic but still fantastical enough not to throw you out of the vibe from the get-go.
So once Sophie (Amanda) is in Italy she is sucked into doing Bernal's "to-do" list of visiting vineyards and cheese makers and pasta places. Now, I wouldn't think that the vineyard would be a bad thing, but of course, Bernal is too interested in his restaurant stuff to really notice that Sophie isn't having fun. SO Sophie offers an idea, Bernal can go to Livorno (120 km away) and she will sight see her stuff. As Bernal says repeatedly, a win-win! LOL!
Sophie then visits the home of Juliet (did I mention they are in Verona! LOL)
There she meets the secretaries of Juliet who write responses to the love-lorn that leave letter to Juliet on the wall at this ABSOLUTELY lovely little sitting garden.
As in true Hollywood Movie Fashion Sophie is invited to help out. After all, she is carrying a notebook so SURPRISE she MUST be a writer! LOL!
Alas, Sophie "discovers" a letter 50 years old. She answers it. Forget the fact that the Royal Mail is having issues at the moment, the letter gets there, to England, in record time and the people on the other end come to Italy, also, in record time!
Let's just forget all that tedious fact stuff! Let's just go with it!
Fast forward, Sophie, Clair and Clair's grandson start scouring the countryside, the AMAZING countryside, looking for Lorenzo Bertolinni, Clair's long lost love....
I will not spoil anything at this point, but know, this is a romantic movie.... awwww.
I give this movie 4 stars. It is not a stand-out in the movie literature arena, but it is entirely entertaining and I thoroughly enjoyed it!
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